Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast
Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast

'Need a Paint' - Roof Restoration Gold Coast

Need a Paint offers complete Roof Restorations and General Maintenance

Constant exposure to the elements can cause tiles to fade, mildew to form and broken tiles to appear. Over time, COLORBOND® - like any roofing material can also fade. Painting and fixing cracks on your roof will provide you a better insulation from external weather, prevent water leaks, which can damage your ceilings and/or floors, and in addition to that, it will provide the modern and fresh look that will make your property increase its value.

We are able to colour match the new paint to your roof, using your original painting codes. However, if you're doing a touch-up only, bear in mind that the new paint may not match other faded parts of the roof. Therefore we recommend a full roof fresh spray when fixing a damaged roof.

Before we start painting, we need to give your roof a clean. A high-pressure wash is the quickest way to clean corrugated or tile roofs. After cleaning the surface, we need to repair or replace any damaged tiles, and apply an acrylic sealer to get the roof ready to paint. Then we apply two coats of exterior roofing membrain paint to ensure a long-lasting paint job.

Other facts to considering before painting your Roof

In general, lighter-colored roofs reflect away heat rays from the sun, whilst dark-colored roofs absorb lots of heat and transfer it into the house.  A green roof, usually referred as vegetated roofs or rooftop gardens, has become a popular choice for aesthetic and environmental reasons. White roofs not only absorbe less sunlight than either green or black roofs, they also offset a portion of the warming effect from greenhouse gas emissions. 

Are you thinking of installing Solar Panels on your roof?

Before installing any Solar Panels on your roof and spending thousand of dollars, you could consider to have a Roof Restoration before your have your Panels installed. If you come to doing a Roof Restoration after the Solar Panels are installed, unless you remove all the Panels first, you will have a large area of your roof unprotected from the elements, which might cause leaks when heavy rain and storms hit, in case of any existing cracked tiles under the Solar Panels.

Need a Paint Roof Restoration includes:

  • High-pressure wash,
  • Tile pointing, repair or replacement,
  • Anti-fungal
  • 1 x mainbraine sealer, and
  • 2 x topcoats.

We also can refer you to local Solar companies that can provide you with fair quotes and the assurance that quality materials are used.


Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast
Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast
Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast
Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast
Need A Paint - Roof Restoration Gold Coast


"Rod painted the inside of our house and did a f...

Suzanne Fletcher